French Civil Justice System An introduction to French Civil Justice System and Civil Procedural Law ...
Publié le 22/03/2013
Real property Law See below a study that describes existing land law in Europe and shows there are some common structures in the different legal systems. The study may help you understand the real property law in France...
Publié le 22/03/2013 | Mis à jour le 24/03/2013
Personal Injury and death The French Civil Code contains no specific provisions dealing with recoverable damage. There is no limitation on the rights that are protected. Do find hereattached an excellent european report on that matter ...
Publié le 22/03/2013
Tougher Road Traffic Laws in France A decree containing a number of miscellaneous provisions affecting French road traffic law was published in 2012 bringing into force a series of tougher measures applying to drivers on French roads.
Publié le 22/03/2013